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Folklor music of Michal Horsak

Michal Horsák Dulcimer Band was established at 1997. The musicians, who are currently also members of other bands, met in Prague in Czech Songs and Dances Ensemble and at the same time in Jiří Janoušek Dulcimer Band where they have played ever since. It should be noted that they are all closely connected to Slovak Military Ensemble of Songs and Dances Jánošík (now known as Military Art Ensemble Ondráš) where they did their military service. Their music has no regional distinctivness, they play folk music of South and East Moravia and Slovakia as well as songs from less known local regions and foreign countries. They are also keen on straying into some contemporary music arrangements every now and then. Despite their mature age these musicians keep young at hearts when performing for their audience and they truly enjoy an interaction with singers who are bold enough to make their voice heard by a dulcimer.

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