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Jericho Freer Quartet (jazz)

The Jericho Freer Quartet keeps the jazz tradition alive, bringing maximum creativity and emotion to every set. Dušan Kovačevič joins him on the piano. Dušan comes from Serbia, studied at the Jazz Institute Graz in Austria and currently lives in Prague, where he produces, teaches and performs regularly. The double bass is played by the excellent Max Makagonov, who studied at the Moscow Sate Conservatory and is a regular on the local jazz scene, performing with names such as Daniel Bulatkin, Libor Smoldas and Allison Wheeler. On drums, originally from San Francisco, California and a graduate of the Manhattan School Of Music, Jesse Simpson has performed extensively on the New York jazz scene and in Prague since his arrival in the summer of 2022 with incredible musicians such as Brian Charette and Taras Volos.

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