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Chupacabras & RičBič FREE ENTRY

Chupacabras is a band mostly playing their original material, ranging from pure rckn'roll to more complicated ballads.   The lyrics are written by film architect, singer and guitarist Petr Kunc, the music he composes together with keyboardist Zuzana Bonish and guitarist Felipe Machado. Felipe is an excellent Brazilian guitarist who has been playing with the band's drummer Vlad Knížek since high school in Florianopolis.   The band is releasing their first album this year, recorded over four years at Sono studios.  During the lockdown, they self-recorded the song and music video Bird Song .

Petr Kunc, vocal, guitar 
Felipe Machado, guitar 
Michal Baumbruck, bass guitar 
Vlad Knížek, drums 
Zuzka Bonish keyboards (occasionally)

A rhythmic-melodic association formed for the purpose of quality entertainment and valuable cultural experiences, mostly using loud musical instruments.In this association we can find a unique line-up of three film sound engineers - with stringed instruments. This string trio is organically complemented by the machine-like regular beats of the discobeat pilot. Through the microphone, the essence of femininity reaches the viewer.

Richard Muller
Jan Čeněk
Petr Šoupa
Kuba Rýdl & Niki KJC

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